Sybil's closest relative, Naomi Rhode,
verifies her life story

Communication to Astraea's Web, April 12, 2013.

For 6 years in the early 60's we lived in N.J., and spent extended time with, my cousin, Shirley Mason.

Her love for our family, and being family was her joy and our privilege.

During that time she introduced us to Dr. Connie Wilbur and Flora Schreiber. They also spent time in our home, sharing the years of therapy with Shirley, and the book and movie that were in progress of her story.

Over the next almost 40 years we kept Shirley's secret identity, kept in close contact on the phone, letters and holiday gifts, (as we had both moved by then). Shirley called us to fly to her bedside some of the last days of her life, repeatedly reinforced the validity of every word of the book, Sybil, and gave us much of her artwork. We were privileged to love this brilliant woman, who had been so terribly abused, and to be loved by her in return.

Naomi Rhode
CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame

Shirley A. Mason - The Woman I Knew by Nancy Preston, Sybil's Friend

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